Health Select Committee
17/07/2024 10.30 am
Council Chamber - County Hall, Bythesea Road, Trowbridge, BA14 8JN
Wiltshire Council webcasts a range of meetings in the interest of improving accountability, transparency, and the understanding of local decision-making.
What is Wiltshire Council webcasting?
From this site you can watch live and on-demand broadcasts of our council meetings through your internet connection.
We hope that by providing this online resource you will be better informed about the work of the council and the decisions being made, on your behalf, by councillors and how they are representing your views and interests.
How does Wiltshire Council webcasting work?
Wiltshire Council may record meetings for live and/or subsequent broadcast on the Council’s website. At the start of the meeting the Chairman will confirm if all or part of the meeting is being recorded. The images and sound recordings may also be used for training purposes within the Council.
The meeting may also be recorded by the press or members of the public.
By entering the meeting room you are consenting to being recorded and to the use of those images and recordings for broadcasting and/or training purposes.
All of our upcoming webcasts are listed on the right-hand side of this page, as well as recent webcasts available in the archive. Simply click on the title of the meeting you wish to view to be taken to the video player.
Should you miss a live meeting, or would like to view a section of it again, you can watch our archived web stream at your leisure.
Archived meetings will be available for six months. The archive will allow you to view previous meetings and, through the use of the index points, allow you to jump to a specific agenda point or speaker.
If you experience any technical difficulties please visit our FAQs section.
Guidance on the Recording and Webcasting of meetings
Wiltshire Council is committed to being open and transparent in the way it conducts its business. The press and members of the public are therefore welcome to film, photograph or record at any meeting that is open to the public and to use social media such as Twitter, Facebook and blogs. The Council has also decided that some public meetings such as Cabinet and Full Council should be the subject of live web transmission (‘webcasting’), or recorded for subsequent transmission.
A notice will be included on the agenda and also be displayed on the door and inside the meeting room advising everyone who attends that the meeting may be webcast or recorded and that by attending the meeting they are consenting to the broadcast of their image.
The Chairman will make an announcement to attendees at the start of the meeting informing attendees that the meeting may be webcast or recorded and that the Chairman may terminate or suspend the webcast or recording should the Chairman consider this desirable to maintain the proper running of the meeting. Anyone who remains at the meeting after the Chairman’s announcement will be deemed to have consented to the broadcast of their image.
PLEASE NOTE: Any person or organisation choosing to record or broadcast any meeting is responsible for any claims or other liability from them so doing and by choosing to record or broadcast proceedings they accept that they are required to indemnify the Council, its members and officers in relation to any such claims or liabilities.
Before the meeting
Anyone intending to record a meeting should contact the Communications Team on 01225 713116 for advice and guidance. Reasonable advance notice will enable practical arrangements to be made and any special requirements to be discussed.
Flash photography, additional lighting or large equipment will not be permitted, unless agreed in advance and it can be accommodated without causing disruption to the proceedings. Requests to use equipment of this nature will be subject to consideration of the constraints of the meeting rooms.
During the meeting
Recording of meetings should:
Exempt or confidential business
No part of any meeting will be webcast after members have passed a resolution excluding the press and public because there is likely to be disclosure of exempt or confidential information.
Practical advice
Firstly and most importantly remember to speak into the microphone each time to ensure that your words can be clearly heard.
Try to avoid moving unduly whilst speaking and using expansive hand gestures.
When other people near you are speaking please bear in mind that you may still be on camera. Bear in mind that even when there is no audience in the room members of the public are nonetheless watching the meeting.
Microphone noise is an artificial sound that is introduced when an object touches the microphone; speakers should not tap pencils and rings against microphones or touch the cable. When speaking, do not place objects in-between yourself and the microphone as this may distort what you are saying.
It is advisable to avoid bright colours which tend to cause exposure problems when webcast.
Stripes and checked clothes are best avoided as they can cause a strobe effect when webcast, especially when the subject is moving.
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